What I did was to copy this library and link against it during my initial effort to understand what needed to be done. What I want to do is to get rid of this comprehensive library and restrict myself only to a minimal set of actually necessary source files. Given that my goal is to educate myself, getting rid of anything that is a distraction or "dead wood" is a benefit.
It is easy enough to use "ar x" to extract all the object files from libxil.a. There are 124 of them. What I did then was to experiment, deleting object files and then seeing if the build would succeed without the deleted files. This is a tedious business, and after spending an evening getting started doing this, I decided to write a python script to automate it.
When the smoke cleared from all this, I learned that 92 of the 124 files in the library were simply not needed. I put 23 of the 32 that were needed into my "driver" directory. This leaves 9, which I call "core" files which set up the CPU (interrupts, MMU and such).
Several subsystems are not included in the FSBL:
xadcps - ADC xdmaps - DMA xemacps - EMAC (ethernet) xgpiops - GPIO xscugic - GIC (interrupt controller) xscutimer - TIMER xscuwdt - WDT (watchdog) xttcps - TTC (counter in triple timer) xusbps - USBStrip off the leading "x" and trailing "ps" and you have a pretty good idea what device you are dealing with. It is good to know that there is source code for these things in the "embeddedsw" collection should they aver be needed.
Subsystems that are included:
xdevcfg - in part xqspips - in part - Qspi xsdps - SD card xuartps - in part - uart (serial console)
Here is the "log" file from the python script, with annotations on the driver and core files:
lib/New/abort.o not-needed lib/New/asm_vectors.o not-needed < core lib/New/boot.o not-needed < core lib/New/close.o not-needed lib/New/cpputest_time.o not-needed lib/New/cpu_init.o not-needed < core lib/New/errno.o not-needed lib/New/_exit.o not-needed lib/New/fcntl.o not-needed lib/New/fstat.o not-needed lib/New/getentropy.o not-needed lib/New/getpid.o not-needed lib/New/inbyte.o not-needed < Drivers lib/New/isatty.o not-needed lib/New/kill.o not-needed lib/New/lseek.o not-needed lib/New/_open.o not-needed lib/New/open.o not-needed lib/New/outbyte.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/print.o not-needed lib/New/putnum.o not-needed lib/New/read.o not-needed lib/New/_sbrk.o not-needed lib/New/sbrk.o not-needed lib/New/sleep.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/time.o not-needed lib/New/translation_table.o not-needed < core lib/New/unlink.o not-needed lib/New/usleep.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/vectors.o not-needed < core lib/New/write.o not-needed lib/New/xadcps_g.o not-needed lib/New/xadcps_intr.o not-needed lib/New/xadcps.o not-needed lib/New/xadcps_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xadcps_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xdevcfg_g.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xdevcfg_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xdevcfg_intr.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xdevcfg.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xdevcfg_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xdevcfg_sinit.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xdmaps_g.o not-needed lib/New/xdmaps_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xdmaps.o not-needed lib/New/xdmaps_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xdmaps_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps_bdring.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps_control.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps_g.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps_intr.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps.o not-needed lib/New/xemacps_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xgpiops_g.o not-needed lib/New/xgpiops_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xgpiops_intr.o not-needed lib/New/xgpiops.o not-needed lib/New/xgpiops_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xgpiops_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xil_assert.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xil_cache.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xil-crt0.o not-needed < core lib/New/xil_exception.o not-needed < core lib/New/xil_mem.o not-needed lib/New/xil_misc_psreset_api.o not-needed lib/New/xil_mmu.o not-needed lib/New/xil_printf.o not-needed < core lib/New/xil_sleepcommon.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xil_sleeptimer.o not-needed lib/New/xil_spinlock.o not-needed lib/New/xil_testcache.o not-needed lib/New/xil_testio.o not-needed lib/New/xil_testmem.o not-needed lib/New/xil_util.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xl2cc_counter.o not-needed lib/New/xplatform_info.o not-needed lib/New/xpm_counter.o not-needed lib/New/xpm_init.o not-needed lib/New/xqspips_g.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xqspips_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xqspips.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xqspips_options.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xqspips_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xqspips_sinit.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xscugic_g.o not-needed lib/New/xscugic_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xscugic_intr.o not-needed lib/New/xscugic.o not-needed lib/New/xscugic_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xscugic_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xscutimer_g.o not-needed lib/New/xscutimer.o not-needed lib/New/xscutimer_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xscutimer_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xscuwdt_g.o not-needed lib/New/xscuwdt.o not-needed lib/New/xscuwdt_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xscuwdt_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xsdps_card.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xsdps_g.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xsdps_host.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xsdps.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xsdps_options.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xsdps_sinit.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xtime_l.o not-needed < core lib/New/xttcps_g.o not-needed lib/New/xttcps.o not-needed lib/New/xttcps_options.o not-needed lib/New/xttcps_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xttcps_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xuartps_g.o not-needed lib/New/xuartps_hw.o Needed < Drivers lib/New/xuartps_intr.o not-needed lib/New/xuartps.o not-needed lib/New/xuartps_options.o not-needed lib/New/xuartps_selftest.o not-needed lib/New/xuartps_sinit.o not-needed lib/New/xusbps_endpoint.o not-needed lib/New/xusbps_g.o not-needed lib/New/xusbps_hw.o not-needed lib/New/xusbps_intr.o not-needed lib/New/xusbps.o not-needed lib/New/xusbps_sinit.o not-needed
Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]