/u1/Projects/Ebaz/embeddedswThere is a lot more here than just the FSBL. There is also support for other Zynq architectures such as ZynqMP.
Here are the instructions:
How to compile FSBL for Zynq: Please refer to the steps in Readme.txt which is at lib/sw_apps/zynq_fsbl/misc/ directorySo, we go there and see:
Zynq FSBL has 3 directories. 1. data - It contains files for SDK 2. src - It contains the FSBL source files 3. misc - It contains miscellaneous files required to compile FSBL. Builds for zc702, zc706 and zed boards are supported. How to compile Zynq FSBL: 1.Go to the Fsbl src directory "lib/sw_apps/zynq_fsbl/src/" 2. make "BOARD=<>" "CC=<>" a. Values for BOARD are zc702, zc706, zed b. Value for CC is arm-none-eabi-gcc. Default value is also same. 3.Give "make" to compile the fsbl with BSP. By default it is built for zc702 board with arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler 4.Below are the examples for compiling for different options a. To generate Fsbl for zc706 board i.make "BOARD=zc706" b.To generate Fsbl for zc702 board with debug enable and RSA support i.make "BOARD=zc702" "CFLAGS=-DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO -DRSA_SUPPORT" c.To generate Fsbl for zc706 board and compile with arm-none-eabi-gcc with MMC support i.make "BOARD=zc706" "CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc" "CFLAGS=-DMMC_SUPPORT"So, what are these 3 boards?
cd /u1/Projects/Ebaz/embeddedsw cd lib/sw_apps/zynq_fsbl/srcI edit the Makefile so it builds for zed rather than zc702, then type "make". It takes only seconds. The output is here: The end result is fsbl.elf
This yields several pleasant discoveries:
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 12530 Jun 6 21:11 librsa.a -rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 1268336 Jun 6 21:11 libxil.a -rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 121314 Jun 6 21:11 libxilffs.aThe link pulls them in via -lxil, -lrsa, and -lxilffs
Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]