Now I click on the Vivado desktop icon. This is on my Fedora 35 system and starts Vivado ML edition 2021.2
I use "create project". I call the project zed_1 and tell it to place it in /home/tom. I call it an RTL project. The next page lets me select the part or board. I click on "boards" at the top, then scroll down to "Zedboard". I click Finish, and I have a project started.
Now I am more or less trying to follow the "simplest FPGA in the world" project. I select "Add sources". I add the file "top.v". Now I get a define module dialog. I define ports -
switch -- input, bus, 0,0 led -- output, bus, 0,0This finishes, and this is all well and good, but where is my file? There is a box labeled "Sources" and when I expand "design sources", there is top.v I double click it and the file opens in the box to the right.
My file shows [0:0], but the example doesn't -- he must not have clicked "bus" (whatever that is). I edit this out and add the single "assign" line to get:
module top( input switch, output led ); assign led = switch; endmodule
Switch 0 is pin F22 (a 2.5 volt input) LED 0 is pin T22 (a 3.3 volt output)I use "add sources" again and tell it to add or create constraints. I click "add file" and call it top.xdc. Then Finish.
Now in "Sources", there it is under Constraints, constrs_1 (whatever that is). I double click top.xdc and it opens in the box to the right, entirely empty with no boilerplate like top.v had. I copy and paste the following from the tutorial:
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports led] set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports switch] set_property PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports led] set_property PACKAGE_PIN F22 [get_ports switch]I fool around trying various ways to generate something to run on the Zeboard, but end up calling it a night and closing Vivado.
Another approach to constraints files if to find the master constraint file and then uncomment and edit appropriate lines in it.
Now I am back up with the Project Manager.
I click "Run Synthesis", it tells me it is up to date, so I cancel.
I click "Run Implementation", it gives me a similar warning, but I re-run anyway.
After the usual long wait with lots of disk noise, I get a dialog announcing completion.
It shows me a cute color X-ray picture of the chip.
I know now that things were hidden at the bottom left "Flow Navigator".
I click "generate bitstream and wait for the completion dialog.
I click "Open hardware manager".
This does not bring up a new GUI, but instead replaces most of the right side of the main
Vivado GUI. I guess Project Manager is now replaced with Hardware Manager.
A green bar at the top tells me "no hardware detected" and had blue text "Open target".
I click the text and select autoconnect. Lots of stuff happens and a hardware hierarchy
appears with two entries: arm_dap_0 and xc7c020_1.
Now there is blue text in the green bar saying "Program device", I click that.
It finds "top.bit" to use as a bitstream. I click the program button.
There is a progress bar, and a bright blue LED comes on on the Zedboard,
next to the LCD screen.
And it works!!
I move switch sw0 and LED ld0 comes on accordingly!
Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]