May 13, 2024

Zynq bootrom - reverse tools - objdump

This is my crude approach that I am looking to refine. I start with a binary image (xyz.bin file). It is possible to use objdump to disassemble that, but it is much better to "wrap" the binary image as an elf file. This allows, above all else, proper addresses to be specified and generated.

Once the basic disassembly has been generated, I annotate it with "comments" as I perform my "by hand" analysis. I use vim and do lots of searches.

I have written a handful of python scripts to clean up things that I find annoying. As any sensible person ought to do, when I find myself performing some tedious simple repetitive task, I think about writing a program to automate it.

One tool I am particularly pleased with is one that finds all mrc and mcr instructions and replaces the meaningless junk with sensible mnemonics.

Feedback? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]