This is a 2.5 by 4.5 inch board. It has no mounting holes. Onboard is a 32F429ZIT6 and a ram chip.
The STM32F429ZIT6 has 2Mbytes of flash, 256K of sram
and runs at 180 Mhz. It is in a 144 pin package and there
are lots of pins on the bottom of the board!
The data sheet says 180 Mhz, but I see that mine runs at 168 Mhz.
It is a Cortex-M4 cpu which includes a single precision floating point unit,
an MPU (memory protection unit) and a "full set" of DSP instructions.
ST-Link/V2 is built into the board, so all you need to do is connect a mini (not micro) usb cable, you don't need a separate ST-Link dongle. A STM32F103CBT6 device is onboard to run the ST-Link firmware.
The chip also has 10/100 ethernet (but the board has no connectivity).
You get one USB OTG FS and one USB OTG FS/HS ports.
(the board has only one USB connector -- which one?)
The board has a RAM chip. An ISSI IS42S16400J. This is a 64 Mbit SDRAM with a 16 bit data path. In other words, it is 8M bytes of SDRAM. they say it is in 4 banks, each 2M bytes. This is nothing to sneeze at. I wonder where it is in the address space. Once I find out, I can use openOCD to test it, and eventually to load code into it and run it from there. At least I hope so.
And last, but not least, the board has a 2.4 inch LCD display. This is described as a 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD. It has 240 x 320 pixel resolution and 16 or 18 bit color depth. It is interfaced with an ILI9341 controller.
Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]