My old credentials don't work, so I try password reset. It fails and I am told to set up a new account. This works and I redo the download for STM32CubeMX. I end up getting 3 copies because their website just silently is downloading it for me and I don't think anything is happening. I end up (in my Downloads) with:
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 587741830 Jan 8 22:20 en.stm32cubemx-lin-v6-10-0.zipYep, a 588M zip file (and 3 of them! I delete the 3 redundant copies and do this:
mv /u1 cd /u1 mkdir STM32cubemx cd STM32cubemx/ unzip ../ cd .. rm en.stm32cubemx-lin-v6-10-0.zipThis gives me a "jre" directory and a big ELF executable:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tom tom 488199355 Nov 20 21:31 SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.10.0I do this:
su ./SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.10.0This runs their setup wizard. It first tells me:
The homepage is at: Install path: /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeMX Uninstaller program at: /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeMX/UninstallerAnd the install is done! Now how do I use it?
cd /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeMX -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 176187733 Nov 20 13:23 STM32CubeMXSo, we have a 176M sized ELF file here.
Someone said to read UM1718 (section 3.2 for linux installation). Probably a good idea, but as user "tom" I do this:
cd /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeMX ./STM32CubeMXThis works! It launches their GUI, but I see all kinds of chatter in the terminal window about downloads and an updater plugin being busy. I may just leave this gui up overnight, then do some reading and learning tomorrow. Whatever it is doing seems to encounter lots of errors, comments about a Server being unavailable -- but many things do seem to be getting updated. It even mentions CMSIS. As long as it doesn't fill up my disk beyond capacity, I'll be happy.
It sits for 10 minutes with no more messages, so I use File -- exit to shut it down and go to bed.
I have 3 choices to start a new project. Start from MCU, start from board, start from example.
I select start from board. It downloads stuff, then gives me a board list with 193 items.
I find and select STM32H747I-DISCO ($97), then click "start project".
It loads an IOC file, then shows me a "pinout view".
I can switch to system view.
It also warns me that the project file (in /usr/local) is read only.
I use File -- Save and it wants to save to /home/tom.
I create "CubeMX" and tell it to save to /home/tom/CubeMX
It places the file "CubeMX.ioc" in this directory.
"Middleware components are firmware layers that lie between the STM32 hardware and the user application."
Note that "makefile" is a code generation option. Use the "Project Manager" tab, then under "Toolchain/IDE" select "makefile" rather than EWARM (whatever the heck that is). Then click on "Generate Code". You have to set a project name and a path (project location). My first code generation with a makefile is in:
/home/tom/CubeMX/FirstDefaultsI generate code several times, deleting the results and then starting over. I find two options in the Project Manager worthwhile and important:
Tom's Computer Info / [email protected]