August 12, 2022

Raspberry Pi Pico - GDB and an SDK project

(broken and useless)

This all began with this example:

It involves first using the SDK to build "blinky" as per these instructions: I already have the SDK, but have never done much with it (other than indirectly using it to build the firward for the pico probe I set up). The first step is to clone his directory:
cd /u1/Projects/rp2040
git clone
cd pico-debug
It looks like his project is about putting the pico SWD debug tool and your app into a single Pico and being able to use openocd to debug it. He says "cd to pico-examples from the pico directory we created earlier" and we have no idea what he is talking about. Where is pico-examples? Where do I get it from?

What we would do if his instructions were not broken

Fire up openocd and gdb. Give "blinky.elf" as an argument to gdb. Then from gdb:
monitor reset init
If you want to set a breakpoint:
monitor reset init
b main

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]