December 14, 2016

Orange PI - SDK for the Olimex A20-OLinuXino-MICRO

What does this have to do with the Orange Pi, you ask? Well, this Olimex board is based on the A20 Allwinner chip, which is a precursor to the H3. And I read someplace that the A20-SDK for this board included source for the boot code.

The SDK as it turns out is a gigantic archive of stuff that is geared towards running Android on the A20.

The OlinuXino-Micro board sells for 35 Euros. No telling where the company is located, but it doesn't look like China.

Using the download link above, I obtained a 3.8 G tarball "A20.tar.gz" This expands into about 8.2G of interesting stuff.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]