December 8, 2016
Orange PI - the boot process
My notes;
A quick peek at a bootable SD card
How to build U-boot on Fedora
Dumping the ROM image
U-boot and SPL
Armbian U-boot
Some useful links: Setting up an SD card Building U-boot
Some other links:
SunXi 64K boot image issue.
Virtual Box on Fedora 24
Github: Armbian, Igor Pecovnik
Armbian build process explained
Github: Orange Pi - Xunlong
Orange Pi downloads (also manuals and schematics)
Linux distributions for H3 boards
Wikipedia: Allwinner chips
CNX: Allwinner H3 boards
Wikipedia: Bannana pi
Linaro: downloads
Linaro releases: arm-linux-gnueabihf
Emmc flash in Pi plus
Armbian: install to eMMC
Pi plus user manual
Armbian for H5, PC 2
Mesozoic plutonism
Geologic time scale
Extension of Basin and Range
USGS: basin and range
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's electronics pages /
[email protected]