Default behavior is governed by its parameters, in particular:
vocl> lparam ovend (logdata = yes) Log data? (period = 60) Polling period (seconds) (offset = 5) Delay after period (seconds)So normally it runs once a minute, 5 seconds into the minute, and does log data to image files.
Next, in the src directory, we find x_mirror.x which the following line, which is no doubt important.
ovend = t_doven,This leads us to the file src/oven/t_hoven.x which has a procedure t_doven() which gathers up parameters and then passes all those parameters to "doven" via the following call:
status = doven (noven, ncomp, logdata, period, offset)This ends up calling doven_ in hoven.c There is some trickery with a DOVEN macro which is defined as "doven_". This routine performs some initialization and eventually calls:
status = do_ovend (*logdata, *period, *offset);This routine is also in hoven.c and consists of the following loop:
while (1) { if (period) { time (&now); sleep (period - now%period + offset); } status = db_dread_oven (); stalereport (); if (status && logdata) datalogger (); }
The call to datalogger() is in datalogger.c -- it will ultimately make the following calls to logdata():
logdata ("adcv", adcv, sizeof(adcv)/sizeof(adcv[0])); logdata ("rotv", rotv, sizeof(rotv)/sizeof(rotv[0])); (maybe) logdata ("jtmp", jtmp, sizeof(jtmp)/sizeof(jtmp[0])); logdata ("ttmp", ttmp, sizeof(ttmp)/sizeof(ttmp[0])); logdata ("htmp", htmp, sizeof(htmp)/sizeof(htmp[0])); logdata ("hpwr", hpwr, sizeof(hpwr)/sizeof(hpwr[0])); logdata ("ztmp", ztmp, sizeof(ztmp)/sizeof(ztmp[0])); logdata ("zsct", zsct, sizeof(zsct)/sizeof(zsct[0])); logdata ("etmp", etmp, sizeof(etmp)/sizeof(etmp[0]));logdata() is in its own file. This is a glue routine from C code back to SPP calling:
LGDATA (pre, pix, &ny);This is in lgdata.x and is implemented by procedure lgdata (prefix, pix, ny).
This procedure handles the generation of filenames of the form "hpwr180927.imh" -- no special logic is needed at the start of a new day, only to recognize that the generated filename does not exist yet.
How would this be modified to generate FITS files? I am told that is handled by an IRAF environment variable setting somewhere, so it may just magically happen when that environment variable setting is changed.
The variable in question seems to be "imtype". My IRAF on my linux system shows:vocl> show imtype fits vocl> show imextn oif:imh fxf:fits,fit fxb:fxb plf:pl qpf:qp stf:hhh,??hOn the old suns, I get the following:
cl> show imtype imh cl> show imextn oif:imh fxf:fits,fit plf:pl qpf:qp stf:hhh,??h
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