August 1, 2023

Garmin 66i -- customizing the trip computer

I once had this exactly how I wanted it, but now it has changed without my permission or involvement. I suspect some software update from Garmin threw a monkey wrench into things. My goal is to get it back the way I want it.

I use a Garmin TEMPE temperature sensor which I have paired with the G66i. I want to display above all current temperature, but also the 24 hour min and max. I used to have this. It now shows the 24 hour min in a gigantic font in the center of the screen. It also shows "Time" twice at the lower left. What the heck?

How to change things

Turn on the unit and select trip computer. Then click menu. At the bottom I saw "restore defaults" and clicked it. This took the trip computer back to something sensible (and hopefully did not change anything else). Here is what it looks like now:
elevation     odometer
dist to next  ETA at dest
speed         moving avg
heading       time of day
time          stopped time
What I did the last time was to bump "dist to next" and "ETA to next". I also bump "speed" (since moving avg is more interesting).

Click menu, then "change data fields". You use the arrow keys to roam the screen selecting fields to change. Once you hit enter on one, you get a menu of selections. Note that min and max temps are under "other". The current temperature is under "current status". Click "Quit" when done.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's backpacking pages / [email protected]