July 21, 2023

Garmin FIT files - Units and records

Here is a dump of the descriptor information for one of the record messages in my FIT file. I have 1175 records of this type.
0    253 4 0x86 = 1058128830
1      0 4 0x85 = 378104392
2      1 4 0x85 = -1322736078
3      5 4 0x86 = -1
4     14 4 0x86 = -1
5     15 4 0x86 = -1
6     73 4 0x86 = 120
7     78 4 0x86 = 13556
8      2 2 0x84 = 65535
9      6 2 0x84 = 65535
10     3 1 0x02 = 255
11     4 1 0x02 = 255
12    13 1 0x01 = 27
13    53 1 0x02 = 255
So, one of my records has 14 fields. The first number is the "id" (253 is a timestamp). The next number is the data size in bytes. Then we get a hex value that indicates a data type. Finally I show the value for that field in the first record.

The "data type" field is not terribly useful. I decipher it using in

The "id" field is more useful. I decipher it using information in the python profile.py file from the SDK. First you do a lookup using the global id "20" for "record_mesgs" then look at "fields" for the following.
This is Id, name, type, units, scale/offset

253	timestamp	date_time	s	1/0
0	position_lat	sint32		semi	1/0
1	position_long	sint32		semi	1/0
2	altitude	uint16		m	1/0
3	heart_rate	uint8		bpm	1/0
4	cadence		uint8		rpm	1/0
5	distance	uint32		m	1/0	(accumulated)
6	speed		uint16		m/s	1000/0
13	temperature	sint8		C	1/0
14	?
15	?
53	fract cadence	uint8		rpm	128/0
73	enh speed	uint32		m/s	1000/0
78	enh altitude	uint32		m	5/500
As an example of how scale and offset work, here is how you calculate elevation in feet:
    alt = alt/5.0 - 500.0;
    alt *= 3.280839895;
The units for lat and long are in what Garmin calls "semicircles". 0x80000000 is 180 degrees (pi radians). Since this is a signed value, this works out for longitude (which varies from -180 to +180) as well as for latitude (which varies from 0 to 90).

The timestamp has unique issues as well. Garmin counts seconds from the "Garmin Epoch" which is:

midnight on December 31, 1989 UTC
This is offset from the usual Unix epoch by 631065600 seconds. (The Unix epoch is 1970–01–01T00:00:00Z. Unix time will "rollover" in January 2038. The Garmin count will rollover 19 years later (January, 2057).
Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's backpacking pages / [email protected]