June 6, 2021
Garmin software - Qlandkarte GT and Qmapshack
I stumbled across Qlandkarte GT on Sourceforge.
It is over 81,000 lines of C++ code.
The stuff on Sourceforge is dated 2014.
Apparently Qlandkarte GT is discontinued and you are encouraged rather to use Qmapshack,
which is hard to argue with given that it is open source and hosted on Github like most
modern projects. Qlandkarte M was a mobile version.
Both qlandkartegt and qmapshack are available on my Fedora 33 system for install via dnf!
I install both of them. They both launch, albeit with a few errors in each case.
I clone gitmapshack (it seems pretty big). The code is organized in a multitude of directories
and will take some time to get familiar with. Github says it was updated 2 hours ago, so clearly
it is an active project.
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's backpacking pages / [email protected]