su rpm -ivh rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux dnf install flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio libcurlAfter this it is necessary to restart my browser. And it does not work. This is Chrome 78. The site still tells me that I need Adobe flash and chrome://flash just tells me "the site cannot be reached".
I go to Settings, Advanced, Privacy and Security, Privacy and Security (yes, twice) Site Settings, Flash. Then I move the slider to the other setting, which is "ask first" rather than "block".
Now on the USGS site if I click on the page enough times, it does ask me finally. Then it scolds me that my flash player is out of date, but I have the option to say "run anyway", which I do -- and it seems to work!
Adventures in Computing / [email protected]