October 19, 2020

Rigol DS1054Z Oscilloscope tutorial - Print button

At the upper right corner of the scope are two green buttons. The upper one is labeled HELP and the lower has what looks like a cartoon of a printer on it.

This pleasantly surprised me. I had assumed that this would try to print to some printer I did not have and never would have. But this is not the case.

The print button saves a screen shot to the USB stick in PNG format! What could be nicer!

The help button gives access to a bunch of help information. I suppose this might be useful if you didn't have a computer with the PDF manual handy.

The best way to use the help system is to press help, then press the actual button you want help for. You can also use the intensity knob to make selections, but thisis much less convenient

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]