March 23, 2022

Yet another year harvesting loptop batteries - March 2022

I intend to slow down (or even stop) doing this given that I have far more 18650 cells than I can ever use. However, I cannot pass up discarded laptop batteries when I see then laying around.

Pack 1 - Dell -- 2022-3-A

Inside were six LGDAS31865 cells (blue). All measured 3.78 volts. They charged and all are almost identical for 1800 mAh. They were originally rated for 2200 mAh, so these appear to be nicely handled cells not too far along in life.

Pack 2 - Sony -- 2022-3-B

This is a Sony PCGA-BP1N 14.8 volt 1700 mAh pack. Inside are 4 green Sony cells. US18650GR STG G30P "STG 5JI16A"
Two measure 2.2 volts, two measure 1.5 volts. We will play fast and loose and try recharging these.

Pack 3 - details forgotten - 2022-3-C

Probably some kind of Dell pack, but I tore it apart and threw away the casing before I wrote up this log.

Inside are 6 cells, pink, LGDS218650.
2200 mAh rated cells from LG, regular 4.2 volt cells.
They measure 1.7, 2.2, 2.4 in pairs, so I really ought to toss them. But I won't. These pink LG cells have proven to be some of the best. I am keeping the 2.4 pair as a unit since it has nice wires and a fuse to boot.

Pack 4 - HP - 2022-6-A

HP P106 Notebook battery 11.1 volts, 62 Wh, manufactured 2013/12. Inside are six blue Samsung ICR18650-28A cells. All measure 4.04 volts. From Suburban miners.

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]