April 6, 2021

Another year harvesting loptop batteries - April 2021

I am slowing down on this, since I have more 18650 cells than I can possibly use, need, or want. But it is fun, so we cast common sense to the wind.

I am cleaning out my storage shed, which is full of old electronics stuff. I haul what I decide I don't want to trip over any longer to my favorite recycler, and generally when I give them a box of circuit boards, they have no objection to giving me a laptop battery or two in exchange.

A couple of these had cells measuring 1.5 volts or less and I just discarded them without bothering to take notes here.

My guidelines are as follows. I keep anything that measures 2.5 or higher without reservation. I discard anything that measures 2.0 or less. Cells that measure 2.0 to 2.5, I keep, mark with a black ring, and keep a close eye on.

I calibrate cells using my XTAR VP4+ "Dragon" and mark their mAh capacity with a sharpie.

Pack 1 - Dell type WW116

Inside were 6 Panasonic CGR18650E (purple) cells. Two measured 0.1 volts and were discarded. The other two pairs measure 2.8 and 2.9 volts, which I will accept.

These cells are rated at 2550 mAh.

I will mark these 2021-A

Have any comments? Questions? Drop me a line!

Tom's electronics pages / [email protected]