June 5, 2019
Open Source Software for The MOD_EMUP eprom burner
A project I would like to pursue would be to "liberate" the MOD-EMUP from the old
DOS based software and support it in some way from a modern linux system.
I would probably use one of the common ARM based single board computers
(such as the Beaglebone Black) to interface to the EMUP, since that would
allow real time and interfacing to be handled easily.
This would in turn need to be interfaced via ethernet or USB to a linux host.
All of this is just a "nice idea" and no work has been done yet.
Existing open source software
I was happy to find that people have already written software and source code
is available. As near as I can tell, this all runs under DOS and uses the
existing ISA card to talk to the EMUP, but it provides a valuable resource
for understanding how to communicate with the EMUP.
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Electronics pages / [email protected]