April 15, 2018
My Honda Accord
I own a 2006 Honda Accord with a V6 engine.
This is an Accord "EX" with a J30A4 engine
(maybe a J30A5, but I don't think so).
This is a Gen 7 Accord.
This is an interference engine, so replacing the timing belt on schedule
is critical.
Dead transmission
At 242,000 miles, the transmission died. We have been quoted $6000 to replace it
with a warrantied transmission. A questionable repair for a vehicle with this many
miles and a value of perhaps $3000 -- nonetheless we are considering doing the work
and seeing if we can drive it for another 2-3 years. If we managed just 2 years
that would work out to $250 per month.
Have any comments? Questions?
Drop me a line!
Tom's Camry pages / [email protected]